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Lynn Gosney has been on the Shamanic path all her life and shares her knowledge having run her own Shamanic centre Caer Cohrain in Kent for over 25 years.


She is well known and respected and works with people in a nurturing, loving way.


She regularly facilitates Sacred Sweatlodges and shamanic workshops throughout the UK, in Europe and the United States Lynn is also a member of the band Touch The Earth and Rooted and Wild whose music moves all that hear it. A vocalist, songwriter, native flute player and drum maker, Lynn uses her songs and music to help bring healing and connection. She offers performances either as a soloist, with the band or other musicians.


Her joy is seeing others finding their own power.


Simon Prendergast

Simon's deep connection with Earth and Spirit has been nurtured since childhood. His longstanding connection with the shamanic path was reignited with renewed focus at Caer Corhrain when he was welcomed as a member of the community in 2018.


His passion for runes has burnt for over 40 years. He runs Rune Shares and Workshops here where he also teaches the history, mythology and elemental forces so deeply intertwined with them.


He believes that honesty, openness and humility are the key to both learning and teaching and that through this approach we are all ever growing teachers and students of each other.




Pete Maxey has been a core member of Caer Corhrain for many years. Having walked the Shamanic path for a long time, he shares his teachings and wisdom through workshops and facilitates Sweatlodge alongside Lynn.


The manager of the Touch The Earth band, Pete is an accomplished musician and fiddle player.


Pete's gentleness, along with his experience, is a valuable part of what we share and teach here at CC.




Bruce Scott has walked a spiritual path for many years in his homelands of England and India. He has studied with many teachers and works with Vedic knowledge, Sacred Mantra and Meditation techniques.


He has worked alongside Lynn for a number of years and together they reach many with their simple and loving techniques.


Bruce is also the sound engineer for Touch The Earth and creates wonderful light shows that make every gig a special one. 


Gillian    Hunt

Gillian Hunt is a trainee beauty therapist with a passion for creativity in all its forms, from clothing to jewellery.


Gill works closely with Lynn at the Caer Cohrhain Shamanic Development Centre, assisting with and running various workshops; organising events, and planning. Gill also offers beautiful inspirational henna tattoos, and works alongside Lynn in running many Goddess workshops, retreats and events throughout the year.


Gill is also a member of Touch The Earth, and plays the drums for the band, from the Pow Wow to the Djembe; Mayo Drum and Hand Drum.

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Kye and Naomi


IT administrators across all networks for Caer Cohrain.

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